Definition of Psychology by Different Authors

Definition of Psychology by Different Authors

Psychology is a discipline that studies the mental processes and behaviors of people in a scientific way and refers to the study of mental illness, which includes the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and management of mental illness.

For example, if I tell you to think of an animal, it is not a cat. Then your brain will first show you a picture of a cat.

Psychology is a mental subject, like the mind, Information, data, and analysis on emotions, love, hate, anger, frustration, and anxiety.

Definition of Psychology by Different Authors

According to the British Psychological Society, “Psychology is the scientific study of people, the mind and behavior. It is both a thriving academic discipline and a vital professional practice.”

According to the American Psychological Association, “The scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental processes.”

William McDougall (psychologist) defines, ” Psychology is a science which aims to give us better understanding and control of the behavior of the organism as a whole.”

John B. Watson defines, “Psychology is the science of behavior. “

N. L. Munn defines, “Psychology is the science and the properly trained psychologist is a scientist or at least a practitioner who uses scientific methods and information resulting from scientific investigations.”

Feldman defines, “Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental encompasses not just what people do but also their thoughts, emotions, perceptions, reasoning processes, memories, and even the biological activities that maintain bodily functioning. “

William James defined, “psychology as the science of mental life, both of its phenomena and their conditions.”

R. S. Woodworth defines psychology as the “science of activities of the individual.”

Charles E. Skinner (1938) defines, “Psychology deals with responses to any and every kind of situation that life presents. By responses or behavior is meant all forms of processes, adjustment, activities, and experiences of the organism.”

Definition of Psychology by Different Authors

“Psychology is the study of human behavior and human relationships.” _ Crow and Crow

“Psychology is the science of behavior and experience.” _Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990),

According to John Dewey, “Psychology is the science of the facts or phenomena or self”

“ Psychology is the study of human nature.” _Boring, Langfield, and Weld

According to Hilgard, Atkinson, and Atkinson(1975), “Psychology is the science that studies behavior and mental process.”

In the words of Kurt Koffka, “Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of living creatures in their contact with the outer world.”

According to James Drever, “Psychology is the positive science which studies the behavior of men and animals, so far as that behavior is regarded as an expression of that inner life of thought and feeling which we call mental life.”

There are different types of psychology:

  1. Abnormal Psychology
  2. Behavioral Psychology
  3. Health Psychology
  4. Clinical Psychology
  5. Cognitive Psychology
  6. Counseling Psychology
  7. Forensic Psychology
  8. Experimental Psychology
  9. Personality Psychology
  10. School Psychology
  11. Social Psychology
  12. Developmental Psychology
  13. Educational Psychology
  14. Human Factors Psychology
  15. Organizational Psychology
  16. Sports Psychology

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