Noun চেনার সহজ উপায়? Countable and Uncountable noun চেনার উপায়?

Noun চেনার সহজ উপায়? Countable and Uncountable noun চেনার উপায়?

Noun চেনার সহজ উপায়:

Noun কাকে বলে? Noun কত প্রকার ও কিক? Noun এর উদাহরণ?

শব্দের শেষে নিম্নোক্ত Suffix গুলো যুক্ত হলে সাধারণত Noun হয়–

mentGovernment, Movement, Measurement, achievement, attainment, payment, etc.
ledgePledge, Knowledge, etc.
nessbaldness, greatness, kindness, dryness, fitness, etc.
istpsychologist, receptionist, technologist, nutritionist, etc.
nyceremony, monotony, symphony, misogyny, etc.
isminternationalism, environmentalism, ultranationalism, Heroism, etc.
hoodlikelihood, livelihood, fatherhood, motherhood, etc.
enceabsence, adolescence, Affluence, competence, etc.
anceassurance, clearance, tolerance, relevance, substance, etc.
agepercentage, assemblage, orphanage, beverage, etc.
domkingdom, freedom, earldom, wisdom, fiefdom, etc.
shipownership, courtship, spaceship, Scholarship, etc.
sionsupervision, progression, hypotension, passion, etc.
tionsolution, attraction, affection, accommodation, etc.
ureliterature, disclosure, failure, pressure, furniture, etc.
cepreponderance, advice, accomplice, inconvenience, etc.
cyemergency, frequency, pregnancy, diplomacy, etc.
eecommittee, guarantee, mortgagee, consignee, etc.
erwriter, reaper, bumper, listener, watcher, etc.
orabductor, abstractor, accelerator, actor, factor, etc.
ryarchdeaconry, commentary, necessary, etc.
ththousandth, tenth, length, truth, bandwidth, etc.
tyresponsibility, sentimentality, intentionality, etc.
verb+alarrive+al= arrival, survival, approval, dismissal, etc.

Countable noun and Uncountable noun চেনার সহজ উপায়ঃ

Countable noun: যেসব Noun -কে গণনা করা যায়, তাদেরকে Countable noun বলে। যেমন:

Countable NounExample
Proper NounRahim, Karim, Dhaka, Shahana etc.
Common NounStudent, Letter, tree, river, poet, girl, mab etc.
Collective NounArmy, Class, Jury, Herd, Party, gang, etc.

Important Note: Countable noun এর পূর্বে few, a few, the few, many, many of, a number of, several, several of etc. determiner গুলো বসে।

Uncountable noun: যেসব Noun -কে গণনা করা যায় না, তাদেরকে Uncountable noun বলে। যেমন:

Uncountable NounExample
Material NounCotton, Diamond, Tea, Air, Rice, Milk, etc.
Abstract NounFailure, Success, Beauty, Peach, Honesty, etc.

Practice some MCQ(Answers are given below):

  1. What kind of noun is ‘Agency’?
    a) Common
    b) Collective
    c) Proper
    d) Abstract
  2. ‘I shall join the army.’ Here underline word is —
    a) Material noun
    b) Proper noun
    c) Common noun
    d) Collective noun
  3. The best word stands for Abstract noun is–
    a) Beauty
    b) Boat
    c) Sail
    d) Bird
  4. I prefer chicken to beef. Here underline woed is–
    a) Material noun
    b) Proper noun
    c) Countable noun
    d) Uncountable noun
  5. What kind of noun the word ‘Boy’ is–
    a) Common
    b) Proper
    c) Abstract
    d) Material
  6. Which one is collective noun?
    a) Doctor
    b) Honesty
    c) Gang
    d) Friendship
  7. What kind of noun is ‘fun’?
    a) Common
    b) Material
    c) Countable
    d) Uncountable
  8. Which of the follwing is not an abstract noun?
    a) Goodness
    b) Bravery
    c) Family
    d) Childhood
  9. Dhaka is a big city. Here ‘dhaka’ is–
    a) Proper
    b) Common
    c) Collective
    d) Material
  10. The police dispersed the crowd. Here the word ‘crowd’ is a —
    a) Proper noun
    b) Common noun
    c) Collective noun
    d) Abstract noun
  11. The charity of Hatem Tai is known to all. The word ‘charity’ is–
    a) Proper
    b) Common
    c) Collective
    d) Abstract
  12. Which group of words is collective noun?
    a) Unity, Poverty
    b) Cattle, Army
    c) Milk, Water
    d) Team, Steel
  13. Which one is a common noun?
    a) Salt
    b) Army
    c) Studentship
    d) infant
  14. Honesty is the best policy. Here the word ‘honesty’ is  a ——- noun.
    a) Common
    b) Proper
    c) Collective
    d) Abstract
  15. A herd of cattle is passing. The underline word herd is–
    a) Adjective
    b) Common noun
    c) Collective noun
    d) Abstract noun
  16. Which kind of noun ‘money’ is?
    a) Countable
    b) uncountable
    c) Collective
    d) Abstract
  17. Which one is abstract noun?
    a) Manhood
    b) Friend
    c) Fleet
    d) Anwar
  18. What kind of noun is ‘man’?
    a) Proper
    b) Common
    c) Collective
    d) Abstract
  19. What kind of noun the following words belong to -‘love, affection’?
    a) Abstract
    b) Common
    c) Collective
    d) Material
  20. Which of the following is not a collective noun?
    a) Navy
    b) Public
    c) Love
    d) Orchestra


1. d2. d3. a4. d5. a
6. c7. d8. c9. a10. c
11. d12. b13. d14. d15. c
16. b17. a18. b19. a20. c


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