At loggerheads meaning in Bengali? At loggerheads idiom এর বাংলা অর্থ কি?
At loggerheads = চরম মতানৈক্য ( In strong disagreement)
Some sentences using the idiom “At loggerheads”:
- Now Kamal and Shakira are at loggerheads.
- Sabbir and Jannat are always at loggerheads.
- Meena and her husband are always at loggerheads.
- They enjoy seeing people at loggerheads.
- The two men had been at loggerheads over an exchange issue.
- Organization and staff are at loggerheads over the plan.
- The two organizations are at loggerheads over business issues.
- The two departments of this office were always at loggerheads.
- The staffs are at loggerheads with the high price of food in the canteen.
- The prime minister is at loggerheads with the secretary over public spending.
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Verb কি? কত প্রকার ও কি কি উদাহরণসহ ব্যাখ্যা?
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