At a stretch meaning in Bengali? At a stretch idiom এর বাংলা অর্থ কি?
At a stretch = একটানা, একনাগাড়ে ( Without break/stopping, continuously)
Some sentences using the idiom “At a stretch”:
- At a stretch, I can’t read for four hours.
- Karim reads for four hours at a stretch.
- They worked for eight hours at a stretch.
- We have to wait for five hours at a stretch.
- It is difficult to work for ten hours at a stretch.
- Sometimes she works for eight hours at a stretch.
- I played this video game for two hours at a stretch.
- She is driving this car for 5 hours at a stretch.
- You have to work for six hours at a stretch to complete this project.
- At a stretch, I’ve completed this project with 100% client satisfaction.
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