APA 7th edition in text citation example
In the APA 7th edition, in-text citations are used to acknowledge the sources used in the paper; they are typically included as part of a sentence and include the author’s last name and the publication year. Here are a few examples of in-text citations in the APA 7th edition:
One author: (Author’s last name, year)
Example: According to Smith (2020), exercise has many benefits for mental health.
Two authors: (Author1’s last name & Author2’s last name, year)
Example: Jones and Smith (2019) found that mindfulness reduces stress in college students.
Three or more authors: (Author1’s last name et al., year)
Example: According to Davis et al. (2018), climate change is expected to have a significant impact on global agriculture.
No author: (Title of the source, year)
Example: According to the “The State of the World’s Children” report (UNICEF, 2020), child poverty is a major issue in many countries.
Direct quote: (Author’s last name, year, p. page number)
Example: Smith (2020) stated that “exercise is essential for maintaining good health” (p. 12).
Please note that these are examples (APA 7th edition in text citation example), you should always check with your instructor or professor for the specific format they require.
Understand more specific way:
Here is an example of an in-text citation using the APA 7th edition format:
According to Smith (2020), time travel is a complex and controversial topic that has been studied by scientists for many years.
In this example, “Smith (2020)” is the in-text citation. It includes the author’s last name and the year of publication in parentheses. The in-text citation corresponds to the full reference for the source, which would be listed in the references section of the paper.
If the source has two authors you should use both names in the citation, for example:
According to Smith and Johnson (2020), time travel is a complex and controversial topic that has been studied by scientists for many years.
If the source has more than two authors, you should use the first author’s name followed by “et al.”.
According to Smith et al. (2020), time travel is a complex and controversial topic that has been studied by scientists for many years.
Please note that these are examples (APA 7th edition in text citation example), you should always check with your instructor or professor for the specific format they require.
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APA Referencing Style Examples
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