• Do you often visit your hometown? IELTS Speaking Answer

    Do you often visit your hometown? IELTS Speaking Answer Sample Answer 1:  I do not often visit my hometown as I currently live in a different city for work. However, I try to make it back at least once or twice a year to see my family and friends. I also make sure to keep…

  • Do you plan to get a job in the same field as your subject? IELTS Speaking Answer

    Do you plan to get a job in the same field as your subject? IELTS Speaking Answer Sample Answer 1:  I am currently studying computer science and I have always been interested in the field of artificial intelligence. After I graduate, I plan to pursue a career in AI research and development. I am also…

  • What do you study? IELTS Speaking Answer

    What do you study? IELTS Speaking Answer Sample Answer 1: I am currently studying for my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. My course covers a wide range of topics, including programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and software engineering. I am particularly interested in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and I am excited…

  • Do you plan to continue with your job in the future? IELTS Speaking Answer

    Do you plan to continue with your job in the future? IELTS Speaking Answer Sample Answer 1:  Yes, I do plan to continue with my job in the future. I am currently working as a marketing executive for a large technology company and have been with the company for the past five years. I have…

  • If you had the chance, would you change your job? IELTS Speaking Answer

    If you had the chance, would you change your job? IELTS Speaking Answer Sample Answer 1: If I had the chance, I would definitely consider changing my current job. While I have enjoyed working in my current position for a number of years, I feel that there are other opportunities out there that would be…

  • What responsibilities do you have at work? IELTS Speaking Answer

    What responsibilities do you have at work? IELTS Speaking Answer Sample Answer 1: As a customer service representative, my primary responsibilities include interacting with customers, resolving their inquiries and complaints, and providing information about products and services. Additionally, I am responsible for maintaining accurate records of customer interactions, updating customer information in the system, and…

  • What was your first day at work like? IELTS Speaking Answer

    What was your first day at work like? IELTS Speaking Answer My first day at my new job was both exciting and nerve-wracking. I had been offered the position after a rigorous interview process and was eager to start my new role. I arrived at the office early, dressed in my best suit and carrying…

  • Do you get on well with your colleagues? IELTS Speaking Answer

    Do you get on well with your colleagues? IELTS Speaking Answer = I get along well with my colleagues. I think it is important to have a positive and professional relationship with the people you work with, and I try to maintain that by being respectful, open-minded, and helpful. I believe that by working together…

  • Do you like your job? IELTS Speaking Answer

    Do you like your job? IELTS Speaking Answer = Yes, I really enjoy my job. I work as a software developer for a large tech company and I find the work to be both challenging and rewarding. I have the opportunity to work on a variety of different projects and to collaborate with a team…

  • Why did you choose that job? IELTS Speaking Answer

    Why did you choose that job? IELTS Speaking Answer = I chose my current job as a software developer because I have always had a passion for technology and programming. I have a degree in computer science and have been working in the field for several years. I find the work challenging and stimulating, and…
