যে সব শব্দ/word দিয়ে মনের আবেগ প্রকাশ পায় যেমন- দুঃখ, কষ্ট, আনন্দ, ঘৃণা, বিস্ময়, ভয় ইত্যাদি, সেসব শব্দগুচ্ছকে Interjection বলা হয়।
- Whoa, this country is amazing!
- Wow! that’s an awesome moment.
- Congrats! You finally got your Bachelor’s degree.
- Alas! I’m lost my watch.
- Oh! I forgot this story.
Interjection গুলি হলো:
Ah | Alas | Alak | Bah | Eh |
Hallo | Heavens | Good | Indeed | Never |
Hey | Ho | Good grief | Mercy | O |
Oh | Oops | Whoops | What | Well |
বিভিন্ন প্রকার Interjection এর ব্যবহার:
To express greeting:
- Hey! come here.
- Hey! How are you doing?
- Hello! What happened to you?
- Hi! Are you new here?
- Hey! Don’t be so rude.
- Hello! Is there someone here?
To express appreciation/approval:
- Bravo! Shakib scored 100.
- Bravo! Raju has stood first.
- Yummy! The cake is so tasty.
- Well done! your art is amazing.
- Splendid! I like your work.
- Brilliant! You have owned the first prize.
To express surprise:
- Hey! What have you done?
- What! You won the first prize.
- Oh! What a glorious cricket match.
- Ah! Karim has spoiled our project.
- What! Riya is not joining the party.
- What! You are playing on the national team.
To express joy:
- Wow! The design is marvelous.
- Wow! The place is so amazing.
- Hurray! I have won a prize.
- Yippee! You are going with us.
- Wow! You are looking so gorgeous.
- Hurray! My article is published in the newspaper.
To express sorrow/grief:
- Ouch! I hurt my sister.
- Ouch! I hurt my wrist.
- Ah! We lost the match.
- Oh! The story was so pitiful.
- Ah! Meena has broken her hand.
- Alas! Karim’s uncle died yesterday.
To express attention:
- Look! Karim is there.
- Hush! Rafiq is there.
- Look! someone is coming.
- Listen! We are going tomorrow morning.
To Express hatred:
- Oh no! This is so bad.
- How awful!
- Yuch! you are a bad person.
- How disgusting! Please stop it.
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