Absence in a sentence | How to use “Absence” in a sentence

Absence in a sentence | How to use “Absence” in a sentence

Use “Absence” in a short sentence:

  1. His absence was noticed immediately.
  2. She felt the absence of her mother deeply.
  3. The absence of light made it difficult to see.
  4. The team struggled in his absence.
  5. His absence from the team was a setback.
  6. His absence from the team was a big loss.
  7. Her absence from the meeting caused confusion.
  8. His absence from the meeting was unexcused.
  9. The absence of color made the room feel dull.
  10. His absence from school was due to a family trip.
  11. The absence of sound was eerie.
  12. The absence of wind made the day feel still.
  13. His absence from the company was due to retirement.
  14. Her absence from the wedding was unexpected.
  15. The absence of life on the planet was a mystery.
  16. His absence from the game was due to injury.
  17. The absence of noise made it easy to concentrate.
  18. His absence from work was due to illness.
  19. The absence of her presence was felt by all.
  20. Her absence from the party was conspicuous.
  21. His absence from the meeting was not explained.
  22. The absence of emotion in his voice was unsettling.
  23. The absence of light made it difficult to see in the cave.
  24. The absence of a smile on her face made her look sad.
  25. Her absence from the group was a surprise to everyone.
  26. He felt the absence of his phone as soon as he realized it was gone.
  27. The absence of a plan made the project difficult to complete.
  28. His absence from the office was due to a family emergency.
  29. The absence of rain caused a drought.
  30. The absence of warmth made the room feel cold.
  31. The absence of a response made me think he was angry.
  32. The absence of his usual smile made her worry.
  33. The absence of a deadline made it hard to stay motivated.
  34. The absence of a leader caused chaos.
  35. The absence of a warning caused confusion.
  36. The absence of music made the party feel dull.
  37. The absence of an apology made her angry.
  38. The absence of a response made her feel ignored.
  39. The absence of her usual enthusiasm made him suspect something was wrong.
  40. The absence of a clear explanation caused confusion.
  41. The absence of a clear answer made the question difficult to answer.
  42. The absence of a clear goal made it hard to stay focused.
  43. The absence of a clear direction made it hard to know where to go.
  44. The absence of a clear decision made it hard to move forward.
  45. The absence of a clear winner made the game exciting.
  46. The absence of a clear choice made it hard to decide.
  47. The absence of a clear winner made the competition intense.
  48. The absence of a clear leader made the group struggle.
  49. His absence from class was noticed by the teacher.
  50. The absence of evidence is not proof of innocence.

Use “absence” in a long sentence:

  1. The absence of a clear leader caused confusion among the team.
  2. His absence at the meeting was noticed by all, as he was a regular attendee.
  3. The absence of any evidence made it difficult for the police to solve the case.
  4. The absence of sunlight for weeks caused the plants to wilt and die.
  5. Her absence from the group was explained by her need to attend to a family emergency.
  6. The absence of noise in the forest was eerie and unsettling.
  7. His absence from work was due to a prolonged illness.
  8. The absence of clear instructions made the task difficult to complete.
  9. The absence of a deadline made it difficult for the team to stay on track.
  10. The absence of any restrictions made the process feel chaotic and unorganized.
  11. The absence of a leader made the group feel directionless and lost.
  12. The absence of a clear vision made it difficult for the company to achieve success.
  13. The absence of any warning signs made the accident even more tragic.
  14. The absence of her usual enthusiasm made her coworkers worried about her well-being.
  15. The absence of any clear rules made it difficult for the team to play the game.
  16. The absence of any response made her feel ignored and unimportant.
  17. The absence of her husband made her feel empty and alone.
  18. The absence of any communication from her was causing him to worry.
  19. The absence of proper training led to a number of accidents on the job.
  20. The absence of a plan left the group stranded in the wilderness.
  21. The absence of a clear deadline caused the project to drag on for months.
  22. The absence of a proper budget caused the event to be a financial disaster.
  23. The absence of her husband made her feel lonely and isolated.
  24. The absence of clear instructions caused confusion among the employees.
  25. The absence of any previous experience made it difficult for him to adapt to the job.
  26. The absence of a proper maintenance plan led to the equipment breaking down frequently.
  27. The absence of any real competition made the race less exciting for the spectators.
  28. The absence of a strong support system made it difficult for her to cope with the stress.
  29. The absence of a proper education made it difficult for him to find a good job.
  30. The absence of a proper nutrition plan caused her to lose weight too quickly.
  31. The absence of a backup plan left them vulnerable to unexpected setbacks.
  32. The absence of any real passion made it difficult for her to commit to a career.
  33. The absence of a proper strategy led to their defeat in the game.
  34. The absence of any real evidence made it difficult for the prosecution to build a case.
  35. The absence of any real discipline made it difficult for him to succeed in school.
  36. The absence of a proper support system made it difficult for her to overcome her addiction.
  37. The absence of any real goals made it difficult for him to stay motivated.
  38. The absence of a proper safety protocol led to a number of accidents in the workplace.
  39. The absence of a proper understanding of the issue made it difficult for them to reach a solution.
  40. The absence of a proper communication system made it difficult for the team to work together effectively.
  41. The absence of a proper understanding of the culture made it difficult for him to adapt to the new country.
  42. The absence of a proper understanding of the rules led to a number of disqualifications in the tournament.
  43. The absence of a proper understanding of the market made it difficult for the company to succeed.
  44. The absence of any real empathy made it difficult for her to connect with others.
  45. The absence of a proper understanding of the technology made it difficult for him to troubleshoot the problem.
  46. The absence of a proper understanding of the language made it difficult for her to communicate with locals.
  47. The absence of a proper understanding of the law made it difficult for him to defend himself in court.
  48. The absence of a proper understanding of the history made it difficult for her to understand the context of the situation.
  49. The absence of a proper understanding of the culture made it difficult for him to adapt to the new environment.
  50. The absence of any communication between them made the relationship feel distant and cold.

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