Science is the knowledge that is acquired through experimentation and systematic knowledge. There are many fields of science. Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and many more. Science is the process of enriching human knowledge by revealing the rules of how nature and the universe work, how they operate spontaneously.
Definition of Science by Different Authors:
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) defines, “The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.”
According to the Science Council, “Science is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.”
According to the Oxford American Dictionary: “Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”
Isaac Asimov defines, “Science does not purvey absolute truth, science is a mechanism. It’s a way of trying to improve your knowledge of nature, it’s a system for testing your thoughts against the universe and seeing whether they match.”
Definition of Science by Different Authors
According to the American Physical Society: “Science is the systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge about the universe and organizing and condensing that knowledge into testable laws and theories.”
Richard Feynman (1968) defines:
“Science alone of all the subjects contains within itself the lesson of the danger of belief in the infallibility of the greatest teachers in the preceding generation” . . . As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: ” Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.”
According to Josh Billings (1818-1885), “Science is the literature of truth.”
According to The National Academy of Sciences (2008), “The use of evidence to construct testable explanations and predictions of natural phenomena, as well as the knowledge generated through this process.”
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) defined science, “Science is simply common sense at its best that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.”
In the opinion of François Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778), “When truth is evident, it is impossible for parties and factions to rise. There never has been a dispute as to whether there is daylight at noon.”
According to Stephen Jay Gould (1997), “The net of science covers the empirical universe: what is it made of (fact) and why does it work this way (theory).”
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines, “”Science is knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method”
According to Google dictionary, “Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.”
Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) defines, “Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating ten more.”
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