Absolute in a sentence | How to use “Absolute” in a sentence

Absolute in a sentence | How to use “Absolute” in a sentence

Use “Absolute ” in a short sentence:

  1. The beauty of the sunset was absolute.
  2. He had an absolute disregard for authority.
  3. She had an absolute understanding of the situation.
  4. The importance of honesty is absolute.
  5. The rule was absolute and could not be broken.
  6. He had absolute control over the company.
  7. The decision was made with absolute certainty.
  8. The answer was absolute and there was no room for doubt.
  9. She had an absolute love for her family.
  10. The victory was an absolute triumph.
  11. The rule was absolute and non-negotiable.
  12. The mistake was an absolute disaster.
  13. The beauty of the mountains was absolute.
  14. He had an absolute hatred for injustice.
  15. He had an absolute commitment to her job.
  16. The importance of education is absolute.
  17. The rule was absolute and mandatory.
  18. He had absolute confidence in himself.
  19. She had an absolute devotion to her faith.
  20. The decision was made with absolute precision.
  21. The answer was absolute and final.
  22. The victory was an absolute landslide.
  23. The rule was absolute and unchangeable.
  24. He had an absolute love for nature.
  25. The mistake was an absolute embarrassment.
  26. The beauty of the ocean was absolute.
  27. He had absolute respect for the law.
  28. She had an absolute focus on her goals.
  29. The importance of kindness is absolute.
  30. The rule was absolute and unbreakable.
  31. He had an absolute interest in Islam.
  32. She had an absolute dedication to her craft.
  33. The decision was made with absolute care.
  34. The answer was absolute and correct.
  35. The victory was an absolute shock.
  36. The rule was absolute and inflexible.
  37. He had an absolute enjoyment of reading.
  38. The mistake was an absolute tragedy.
  39. The beauty of the forest was absolute.
  40. He had absolute loyalty to his friends.
  41. She had an absolute determination to succeed.
  42. The importance of punctuality is absolute.
  43. The rule was absolute and unyielding.
  44. The concert was an absolute feast for the senses.
  45. He had absolute control over the situation.
  46. She demanded an absolute guarantee of success.
  47. The absolute value of a number is always positive.
  48. He was given absolute authority over the project.
  49. The absolute best decision for the company.
  50. He had an absolute monopoly on the market.

Use “Absolute ” in a long sentence:

  1. He had an absolute mastery of the language.
  2. He had absolute control over his emotions.
  3. He had an absolute disdain for politicians.
  4. He had an absolute monopoly on the market for luxury cars.
  5. She had an absolute conviction that she would succeed.
  6. The absolute truth about the situation is that we have no idea what really happened.
  7. She had an absolute disdain for anyone who disagreed with her.
  8. The absolute power of the government was on full display during the recent election.
  9. He had an absolute belief in his own abilities and never doubted himself.
  10. The absolute beauty of the sunset left everyone in awe.
  11. The absolute silence in the room was interrupted by a loud noise.
  12. The absolute authority of the teacher was never questioned by the students.
  13. The absolute control he had over the company was both impressive and intimidating.
  14. The absolute necessity of water for survival is something we often take for granted.
  15. The absolute perfection of the diamond was undeniable.
  16. The absolute worst thing about the job was the long hours.
  17. The absolute best thing about the vacation was the beautiful beaches.
  18. The absolute value of the stock market is something that fluctuates constantly.
  19. The absolute certainty that he would succeed gave him the confidence to pursue his dreams.
  20. The absolute importance of education cannot be overstated.
  21. The absolute majority of the population is in favor of the new law.
  22. The absolute maximum number of people allowed in the room is 50.
  23. The absolute minimum wage is something that is constantly being debated by politicians.
  24. The absolute authority of the king was absolute and unchallenged.
  25. The absolute speed of light is something that scientists have been studying for centuries.
  26. The absolute priority of the government is the welfare of its citizens.
  27. The absolute state of the economy is something that is constantly changing.
  28. The absolute authority of the parents is something that is often questioned in modern society.
  29. The absolute purity of the water was something that was tested regularly.
  30. The absolute necessity of air for survival is something that we often take for granted.
  31. The absolute beauty of the garden was something that everyone admired.
  32. The absolute importance of family is something that is often overlooked in today’s society.
  33. The absolute perfection of the sculpture was something that everyone agreed on.
  34. The absolute worst thing about the weather was the constant rain.
  35. The absolute best thing about the concert was the energy of the crowd.
  36. The absolute value of the currency is something that is constantly fluctuating.
  37. The absolute certainty that he would fail gave him the motivation to work harder.
  38. The absolute importance of human rights cannot be overstated.
  39. The absolute majority of the people voted in favor of the new law.
  40. The absolute minimum age to vote is 18 years old.
  41. The absolute authority of the president is something that is often questioned.
  42. The absolute speed of sound is something that scientists have been studying for centuries.
  43. The absolute priority of the company is the satisfaction of its customers.
  44. The absolute state of the country is something that is constantly changing.
  45. The absolute authority of the CEO is something that is often questioned by shareholders.
  46. The absolute purity of the gold was something that was tested regularly.
  47. The absolute necessity of food for survival is something that we often take for granted.
  48. The absolute beauty of the waterfall was something that everyone admired.
  49. The absolute importance of mental health is something that is often overlooked in society.
  50. The absolute perfection of the cake was something that everyone agreed on.

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